Utterly abandoned

B250 C334 CB439 E439 K334 LSM114 R360 S188 T439
Utterly abandoned
  To the Holy Ghost!
Seeking all His fulness
  At whatever cost;
Cutting all the shorelines,
  Launching in the deep
Of His mighty power,
  Strong to save and keep.
Utterly abandoned
  To the Lord of all,
Seeking all His fulness,
    Answ’ring His dear call.
Utterly abandoned
  To the Holy Ghost!
Oh! the sinking, sinking,
  Till the self is lost!
Till the vessel’s emptied
  Broken at His feet;
Waiting till His filling
  Makes the work complete.
Utterly abandoned
  To the will of God;
Walking in the pathway
  That my Master trod;
Leaving ease and pleasure;
  Making Him my choice,
Waiting for His guidance,
  Listening for His voice.
Utterly abandoned!
  Through eternity;
My will never choosing,
  His it e’er shall be;
All my plans and longings
  Lost in His sweet will,
Having nothing, owning
  All things in Him still.
Utterly abandoned!
  ’Tis so sweet to be
Captive in His love-bonds,
  Yet so wondrous free;
Free from sin’s dominion,
  Free from doubt and fear,
Free from every worry,
  Burden, grief or care.
Utterly abandoned!
  Oh, the rest is sweet,
Waiting in His presence
  At His blessed feet;
Waiting for the filling
  Of the Host divine,
Who my inward parts shall
  Perfectly refine.
Lo! His Spirit fills me,
  With His presence sweet!
I, in Him, am blessed!
  I, in Him, complete!
Now the light within me
  Never shall grow dim
While abandoned ever,
  Living unto Him!
Tina Cerda

Fort Worth, TX, United States

Exploring hymns of consecration, and found this jewel. Thank you for the help brother Pat (who was our coworker in Russia) and for your sweet sharing, sister Sarah Anne from Germany :-) --maybe you have met my children when they were there, The Cornells. Grace be with you!

Sarah Anne

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

Thank you Pat Bradley, always looking for new ways to worship and pray.

The words, is so thought provoking. just love it. and once again Hymnal.net for all the wonderful hymns, some tunes are not what I learned in our congregation, when I was a child, but I love the new tunes, though not all as some is not as good as the original. But I love trying new tunes. when I know the hymn, but do not like the new tune, I just sing it to the old one. as long as I can sing, I am happy. especially to my King, I am sure Father in Heaven loves me singing to Him. I marvel, at what a Great God we serve. Glory Hallelujah!!!!

If we want to be fully consecrated to the Lord, we must not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind (v. 2b), which is the leading part of our soul. In other words, our body must be presented, and our soul must be transformed.

A human being is composed of a body, a soul, and a spirit (1 Thes. 5:23). Therefore, first we need to present our body, and then our soul needs to be transformed. We need to allow the Lord to work Himself into and throughout our soul. We have presented our body, but our person, our soul, may still be raw. Our mind may be old and worldly, our emotion may need to be renewed, and our will may be wild. Our entire soul may be raw, and raw material can never be used for the building. Thus, we need the Lord to be wrought into our soul. We must allow the Lord to transform all the inward parts of our soul, including our mind, emotion, and will.

Stanza 6 of Hymns, #439 says, "Waiting for the filling / Of the Host divine, / Who my inward parts shall / Perfectly refine." To refine is to renew, or transform. The phrase inward parts is a biblical term from Jeremiah 31:33, which says that the Lord will put His law in our inward parts. Our inward parts — our mind, emotion, and will — need to be refined, renewed, and transformed by the Lord. Then we will be not raw material but material good for the building.

Piano Hymns