I am the Lord’s! O joy beyond expression

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I am the Lord’s! O joy beyond expression,
  O sweet response to voice of love Divine;
Faith’s joyous “Yes” to the assuring whisper,
  “Fear not! I have redeemed thee; thou art Mine.”
I am the Lord’s! It is the glad confession
  Wherewith the Bride recalls the happy day,
When love’s “I will” accepted Him forever,
  “The Lord’s,” to love, to honor and obey.
I am the Lord’s! Yet teach me all it meaneth,
  All it involves of love and loyalty,
Of holy service, absolute surrender,
  And unreserved obedience unto Thee.
I am the Lord’s! Yes; body, soul, and spirit,
  O seal them irrecoverably Thine;
As Thou, Beloved, in Thy grace and fulness
  Forever and forevermore art mine.
Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

My daughter and her husband chose this hymn for their wedding ceremony.

Lucy A. Bennett was born on January 8, 1850 in Green Farm Field Farm, Falfield, Gloucestershire, England. She was a staunch, Methodist and a poet. She began to write poems, hymns, and prose at an early age. As a young woman, she attended the Keswick Convention where she met and corresponded with prominent Christian leaders, including Christina Rossetti, and C. H. Spurgeon. She was active at Mount Pleasant Chapel, where she arranged for ministers to come and speak, led a Bible class for women, and visited and helped the poor and needy. She helped to found All Nations College, Upper Norwood, and Mount Herman College.

Bennett died on March 10, 1929.

Some of the hymns she wrote, include:

Holy, happy separation

Jesus, name of matchless splendor

Lord and Master, we will own Him

Oh, fathomless, mercy, oh, infinite grace

Oh, teach me what it meaneth

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

As I sang this hymn with other lovers of Christ at His table, I thought of three reasons that “we are the Lord’s”:

1) We are the Lord’s because we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Christ – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 1:18-19.

2) We are the Lord’s because we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, marked out for His unrivaled ownership – Ephesians 1:14.

3) We are the Lord’s because within us there is a sweet response of "yes, I will", as our answer to His beauty and fresh love. ” We are freshly drawn and given to be His alone. “The love of Christ constrains us, and we no longer live to ourselves, but to Him who died for us, and has been raised” – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15.

Yuri Reyes

Plano, Texas, United States

We are the Lord's O joy beyond expression


Praise You Lord for such an undeniable fact that I am Yours!! O joy beyond expression!!

Nelson K

Sydney, Australia

"As Thou, Beloved... Forever and forevermore art mine."

Judith Linburg

Palo Alto, CA, United States

O Lord Jesus, I am Your’s, nothing can change my faith in You. I love you, Lord Jesus forever. Amen.

Sister Patty

Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Such a beautiful expression of our relationship with our Father! Thank you for posting it on your website!

Charis Ian

Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines

We always sing this hymn very Junior Staff Training at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Philippines. Oh, what a joy, comfort, and peace this hymn brings!


Amhetst, Ohio, United States

Forever learning under the faithful hand of the Lord. I’m not but you are...

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

Yes! LORD! I belong to You.


Piano Hymns