Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone

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Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
  Can meet our need today;
His might alone empow’ring us
  Can bring us neath Thy sway.
Thy Spirit of pow’r with might,
Send in our midst, we pray,
And come upon each seeking soul;
  Baptize us with power today.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
  Can grant us Thy desire;
His power alone can turn our heart
  And light the sacred fire.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give
  The gifts we seek to share;
His pow’r can signs and wonders work
  And stir up holy fear.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring
  The show’r we need this hour;
And while we seek, Lord Jesus, come
  In motivating power.
Thy Spirit of pow’r with might,
  Send in our midst, we pray,
And like a rushing, mighty wind
  Sweep over our souls today.
Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

This hymn is written by Fanny Crosby. Some hymnals show this hymn as written by Henrietta Blair, which was a pen name of Fanny Crosby's.

The original hymn is quite different and does not have a chorus:


1 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone,

Can turn our hearts from sin;

His power alone can sanctify

And keep us pure within.


2 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone

Can deeper love inspire;

His power alone within our souls

Can light the sacred fire.


3 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring

The gifts we seek in prayer;

His voice can words of comfort speak,

And still each wave of care.


4 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give

The grace we need this hour;

And while we wait, O Spirit, come

In sanctifying power.