Now is come salvation and strength

E1347 LSM374
Now is come salvation and strength
  And the kingdom of our God
  And the authority of His Christ:
For the accuser of our brethren is cast down
Which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
And by the word of their testimony
And they loved not their soul lives unto death.
  Therefore rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!
Daniel Chen



Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States


Anselme Hategekimana

Victoria, BC, Canada

Yes Amen! The accuser of the brethren is cast down. Oh Lord help us realize which hour we are living in...we are living in a very dark age but what a wonderful opportunity to serve You in this closing time! Take courage my brother, keep your oil and keep burning till morning breaks! He is faithful..thank You Lord for such love, such mercy and such grace...Allelua..Be glorified forever...


Fullerton, CA


In Him

Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Hallelujah for this wonderful glorious reality! O Lord! Make us Your overcomers in this age! Make us those who deny our soul life even unto death, standing with utter dependence on the Blood of the Lamb and holding onto the Word of our testimony! O LORD JESUS! You ARE!

Rachel Adyeri

Kampala, Uganda

I too want to be an overcomer. I pray the Lord will enable me to grow and mature in life so that He can have His complete testimony and expression on the earth today.

Ana Liza Dahay Delgado

Laguna, Philippines

I like this song because I want to be an overcomer.

Kyle Hwang

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Therefore, REJOICE!


United States

Amen, Lord make me an overcomer!


Chicago, IL, United States

Praise the Lord for the testimony of Jesus! Lord, make us overcomers!

Piano Hymns