Camel Train

Cs915 E1318 K1011
’Twas a day in early springtime,
By an ancient wayside well,
Eliezer paused to rest his camel train.
He had found a bride for Isaac
Ere the evening shadows fell,
For his weary journey had not been in vain.
Oh, get ready! Evening shadows fall.
Don’t you hear the Eliezer call?
There’s going to be a wedding,
And our joy will soon begin,
  In the evening when the camel train comes in.
So he took the fair Rebekah,
Dressed in jewels rich and rare,
Quickly to her waiting bridegroom far away.
Where Rebekah loved her Isaac,
And he loved Rebekah fair;
Oh, it must have been a happy wedding day.
Now the blessed Holy Spirit,
From our Father God above,
Has come down to earth to find a worthy Bride.
For our Isaac over yonder
Has prepared His tents of love,
And He wants His fair Rebekah by His side.
We have left our kinfolk gladly;
We have bade the world goodbye.
We’ve been called to be His pure and spotless Bride;
Where we’ll soon behold our Jesus
In that blest eternity—
What a happy, happy wedding that will be!
Suzanne Brooks

Lima, OH, United States

My husband and I sang this at our own wedding in 1975. We learned it from Ray Boltz who was a friend of my husband at the time. We were so happy to find out the author, and that Hansel was a first cousin to William Branham.

Jose Fernandes

Paramaribo, Suriname

As a young man I lived in a commune in Fresno California and was always under the impression that one of the brothers there wrote this song. We sang it somewhat different; in 2 when it goes “quickly to her waiting “ we sang; back to Abraham and Isaac far away. And in 4 We’ve been called to be His pure and spotless Bride; we sang :we are going to a land beyond the skies . But hey it was in the early 70 ‘s

Dick Adams

United States

Does anyone know the copyright status of the lyrics & music to “Camel Train”? We searched ccli. com & hymnary. org, but didn't find it on either site.

Based on the comments here, it seems Hansel Paul Vibbert (1916–1986) was the lyricist and composer. We found his photo and burial record at findagrave. com.

We'd like to put the song online at the Cyber Hymnal™ if it’s in the public domain, or we can get the copyright owner’s permission. We have an outstanding image of Rebecca & Eliezer that could be used to illustrate it.

Dick Adams

Daniel Xu


It's a beautiful song! I'd like to compose a score based on this midi and introduce this song to the fellowship I go to. But the midi file seems rather messy e. g. no reasonable split between measures and notes are spreaded through the staff. I'm using Musescore3 and would like to get a tidier version of the same midi. Could anyone give a help?

Seanne Villanueva

Sacramento, CA, United States

We sang this at our wedding. Today is our 45th wedding anniversary. God is so faithful and Wonderful.

Carolyn Holland

Mission, TX, United States

I sang this as part of Lester Roloff's girls' choir from Rebekah Home for Girls way back in 1973. My family and I always enjoyed singing it in the car on road trips. Great song and great message!

Albert Purtle

Kansas City, MO, United States

I heard this song sung by evangelist Ted Vibbert in the 50's. I believe it was 1947-1952, at Paseo Assembly of God Church-3238 Paseo Blvd. in Kansas City, Mo. It was obviously composed prior to the 70's. I am positive this occurred before my high school graduation in 1956. I believe it was composed by Rev. Hansel Vibbert around 1950, not in the 70's.

James D Reese

Fort Smith, AR, United States

On the internet I've run across sites listing either James Asher, W. M. Lehman or Hansel Paul Vibbert as the writer of this great song. In listening to Jimmy Swaggart's cover, he says Vibbert was the writer. After doing a lot of research, I believe that Vibbert is the writer. It's important to me that the right person get their due credit. So if anyone is able to provide proof of someone other than Vibbert being the writer of this song, I would appreciate your sharing of the fact. Great song!!!

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

How wonderful to be Christ bride, we have to leave everything and embrace Him. Our reply just like Rebecca is that ‘I am willing to go with Him.’

Janice Maxsons

Seattle, Washington, United States

To get Eliezer’s name you have to go to Genesis 15:2 where Abraham asks God if his servant is to be his heir. It says Abraham sent his oldest servant.

Piano Hymns