There is life for a look at the Crucified One

D1035 E1035
There is life for a look at the Crucified One,
  There is life at this moment for thee;
Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved,
  Unto Him who was nailed to the tree.
Look! look! look and live!
There is life for a look at the Crucified One,
  There is life at this moment for thee.
Oh, why was He there as the Bearer of sin,
  If on Jesus thy guilt was not laid?
Oh, why from His side flowed the sin-cleansing blood,
  If His dying thy debt has not paid?
It is not thy tears of repentance or prayers,
  But the blood, that redeemeth the soul;
On Him, then, who shed it, thou mayest at once
  Thy weight of iniquities roll.
Then doubt not thy welcome, since God has declared
  There remaineth no more to be done;
That once in the end of the world He appeared,
  And completed the work He begun.
Then take with rejoicing from Jesus at once
  The life everlasting He gives;
And know with assurance, thou never canst die
  Since Jesus, thy Righteousness, lives.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

May this song inspire and work in many hearts to bring them to Christ! Such powerful words!

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Amelia Matilda Hull, the author of “I have been at the Altar, ” was not a prolific writer, but she wrote at least one hymn, which from the very beginning took prominent place among the Gospel songs of last half of the 19C. Her name might have never been remembered had it not been for this one composition of this writer:

There is a life for a look at the Crucified One,

There is life at this moment for Thee;

Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved,

Unto Him who is nailed to the tree.

Miss Hull was born at Marpool Hull, Exmouth in 1825, and was sister to Captain Hull, a notable figure in the early days of the Brethren. She lived a life of devotion, self-sacrifice and wholeheartedness in the cause of Christ, and passed away into the presence of the Lord in 1882.


Grandville, MI, United States

Here is another:


(By the late Miss MATILDA HULL, Author of "There is

life for a Look."

IN grace God has sent us

A message of Peace,

From the kingdom of Satan

To give us release;

And its claim for acceptance,

Not daring to doubt,

We disclaim other efforts

To bring it about

No "brass band" or "War Cry"

Will add to its force;

No "Councils of War"

Give success to its course.

But the preaching of Jesus

Develops God's might,

In translating lost sinners

From darkness to light

Then exalt Him, exalt Him,

Make Christ all in all,

And before Him you'll find

How the Dagons will fall;

Proving all other Gospels

A pitiful sham

Of the Peace-speaking one

Through the blood of the Lamb.

By which is accomplished

The thirst of His heart,

In that Council of Peace

Where the Godhead took part,

To win for His glory

A perfected Bride,

Whom He would make worthy

To sit by His side..


Daressalaam, Tanzania

The best. Thank you.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Miss Amelia Matilda Hull (1812-1884) was the last of 11 children. Her father was a retired army captain. - hymntime

Born at Marpool Hall, in Exmouth, England, she wrote many hymns and poems which were published in 6 collections. She is considered to be one of the chief women among the Brethren. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin


The song arrangement here is the most common one. There are some additional stanzas:

2 His anguish of soul on the cross hast thou seen?

His cry of distress hast thou heard?

Then why, if the terrors of wrath He endured,

Should pardon to thee be deferred?


3 We are healed by His stripes. Wouldst thou add to the word?

And He is our righteousness made;

The best robe of heaven He bids thee put on:

Oh! couldst thou be better arrayed?


an additional final stanza:

6 There is life in a look at the crucified One:

There is life at this moment for thee:

Then look, sinner—look unto Him and be saved,

And know thyself spotless as He.


Los Angeles, California, United States

Every verse, every line, an invitation to accept Christ. So doubt not the welcome. God is speaking through the words of this song.