Lord, today, keep my heart,
Keep it all the day.
While I’m young, keep my heart
Soft, dear Lord, I pray;
Lord, I would keep my heart through everyday
Soft and open unto You.
Keep it all the day.
While I’m young, keep my heart
Soft, dear Lord, I pray;
Lord, I would keep my heart through everyday
Soft and open unto You.
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Irving, TX, United States
A sweet and precious prayer everyone should offer to our dear Lord every day!
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Songs for all children
Houston, Texas, United States
So sweet!!!!
Lanzhou, Gansu, China
I like this song because of the recovery.
Cebu City, Philippines
Amen. Keep my heart, Lord. So simple yet this means a lot for the children. I want to teach them this song.
Coronado, San José, Costa Rica
Aleluya, cuan hermoso es pedirle a nuestro Señor que guarde nuestro corazón suave y abierto para El, para que el gane por completo nuestro ser para su propósito y así pueda llegar a ser nuestra experiencia Efesios 3:17.
Zambo Sur, Philippines
Praise the Lord for the unsearchable Christ!!!! HALLELUJAH!
Festac, Lagos, Nigeria
Wow it's wonderful if the Lord can permit me to keep my heart soft and open to Him all day.
GamagorishiPrefecture, Aichi-ken, Japan
This is my first time to hear this song, and it touches me my inner being. Yes, this is also my prayers that the Lord may preserve my heart since I have an implanted pacemaker. Spiritually strong and physically healthy throughout the day. May the Lord use me in my days. AMEN!!!
Moskow, Russia
We are His little children!