Lord, grant us a revival

Lord, grant us a revival
In Thy recovery,
The ultimate and greatest
E’er seen in history.
Two days have passed before us
Come third, without delay!
Prepare Thy bride made ready
Bring in Thy wedding day.
Lord, grant us a revival
In Thy recovery;
Raise up a generation
To end this age for Thee.
Raise up a generation
In Thy recovery
To see the high peak vision,
And live accordingly;
The vital groups in function
Thine instrument to be,
To end this dispensation
And turn the age for Thee.
Bring forth a corporate model
As Zion’s peak today;
Produce Thine overcomers
To take Thine ordained way:
Train and perfect this remnant
To consummate this age,
Prepare Thy corporate army
To fight, Thy warfare wage.
Build up Thy corporate Body
In each locality;
Prepare Thy Bride made ready,
And host to fight for Thee;
Raise up Thy corporate beachheads
And stepping-stones in them
To usher in Thy kingdom;
The New Jerusalem.
Laarnie Talip

Lanao Del Norte, Philippines

I was reminded and being refreshed by this hymn,we sang this during our Culminating Meeting in FTTMa..Our CONSECRATION needed for such a revival...Lord,we need Your grace....

Build up Thy corporate Body

In each locality;

Prepare Thy Bride made ready,

And host to fight for Thee;

Raise up Thy corporate beachheads

And stepping-stones in them

To usher in Thy kingdom;

The New Jerusalem.


Denton, TX, United States

What a beautiful prayer which is in my heart too !

Lord, Grant us a revival

In Thy Recovery ;

Raise up a generation,

To end this age for You !