Laboring on Jesus, the good land so real

Laboring on Jesus, the good land so real,
Plowing and planting and watering the field.
He yields the produce of reality,
God reaps a harvest of Jesus in me.
O Jesus! You’re God’s good land
For me to labor on!
I’ll bit by bit possess You
Until the whole is won!
With Canaan is God’s purpose,
The labor He will bless;
Lord Jesus, here I gain Yourself,
  Your Person to possess.
Laboring on Jesus! My heart has been set,
Labor’s begun, and I have no regret,
For with my labor God’s sending the rain,
And all my labor on Christ yields much gain.
Laboring on Jesus this practical way—
Praying His Word in the spirit each day,
Foll’wing His living anointing within,
Built up with others, the church life to win.
Laboring on Jesus yields reality,
Meetings of fullness for all men to see;
There God and man are indeed satisfied,
And there God’s presence cannot be denied.
Labor on Jesus to have Him increased!
Then seek God’s dwelling and come to the feast!
There bring and offer your surplus to God,
There eat the riches, rejoice in the Lord!
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

The Lord's mercies are new every morning! If we will rise early and enjoy Him in the Word and in prayer we will gain Him "bit by bit", express Him in our daily living, and share our enjoyment of Him as the all-inclusive good land in every meeting!

Maria L

Fremont, CA, United States

We need to be diligent to labor on Christ, seeking Christ, enjoying Christ and experience Christ in every situation. Hallelujah! We have entered into Christ as the reality of the good land.

Thank you Lord Jesus for we can partake all your riches day by day. Praise the Lord!


Ontario, OH, United States

The Old Testament good land is a picture of Christ. What a picture!

Caroline D

Arlington, TX, United States

He yields the produce of reality,

God reaps a harvest of Jesus in me.

Hymn-Study Group - Johnny, Misty, Janeth, Mercy, Sonny, Hiram, Jovic

Lucena City, Quezon Province, Philippines

Laboring on Jesus yields reality...

God and man are indeed satisfied = SABBATH REST

This Sabbath rest is Christ as our rest, typified by the good land of Canaan.

We need to labor on Christ by anticipating the dawn and musing upon His word; to experience His grace and power, making us solid "cube" for His building to become God's dwelling place.

Let us enjoy the presence of God and submit to the authority of God to enlarge the habitation of God, the church His home to become His city His kingdom.

Christ with the kingdom will be the rest in a fuller way to the overcoming saints, who will be His co-kings, sharing and enjoying His rest.


Christopher Condon

Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom

What a precious and timely hymn. The Lord is using the world situation to turn us from the wilderness to the Jordan, so He as our Joshua can lead us into the reality of the good land. We set aside our unbelief, look at Him and let Him lead us into uncharted territory. What a privilege to be alive today.

Omar Lopez

Pembroke Pines, FL, United States

Hallelujah, Jesus is our good land, Lord we want to labor on You as the good land.

Piano Hymns