The church is Christ’s deep longing
And His good pleasure too.
His every word and action
Is made with her in view.
His heart’s love is established,
And nought can Him deter;
Before the earth’s foundation
His thoughts were filled with her.
And His good pleasure too.
His every word and action
Is made with her in view.
His heart’s love is established,
And nought can Him deter;
Before the earth’s foundation
His thoughts were filled with her.
The eve of all creation
He mused on His delight,
And pondered every feature,
Well-pleasing in His sight.
Creation sprang to being,
But deep in Him did hide
A heart of depth unfathomed
Fixed on a glorious Bride.
He mused on His delight,
And pondered every feature,
Well-pleasing in His sight.
Creation sprang to being,
But deep in Him did hide
A heart of depth unfathomed
Fixed on a glorious Bride.
And thus His will was ’stablished
His counterpart to gain:
This blessed, firm intention,
Eternally the same.
Though sin should e’en beguile man,
Then mock his helpless state,
He never could forsake her,
His yearning ne’er abate.
His counterpart to gain:
This blessed, firm intention,
Eternally the same.
Though sin should e’en beguile man,
Then mock his helpless state,
He never could forsake her,
His yearning ne’er abate.
Then mercy richly flourished,
And love was, oh, so vast,
As graciously He sought her
With wisdom unsurpassed.
The love He gave to win her
God only comprehends!
His life laid down, an offering
Whose fragrance yet ascends.
And love was, oh, so vast,
As graciously He sought her
With wisdom unsurpassed.
The love He gave to win her
God only comprehends!
His life laid down, an offering
Whose fragrance yet ascends.
And now in resurrection
To her He draws most near,
And with untold affection
In glory does appear.
As she beholds her Bridegroom,
His glory floods her heart,
’Til she, His Bride, is raptured,
His longed-for counterpart.
To her He draws most near,
And with untold affection
In glory does appear.
As she beholds her Bridegroom,
His glory floods her heart,
’Til she, His Bride, is raptured,
His longed-for counterpart.
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Irving, TX, United States
Recently I was pray-reading Ephesians 3:19: "And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ that you may be FILLED unto all the FULLNESS of God."
Then hymn 1229 came up, then Message 51 of the Life-Study of Ephesians on YouTube.
Spending time on these 3 have increased my vision of Christ's relationship to the church, deepened my consecration , and enriched my dispensational value in my daily life. Lord Jesus! We love You!
Verona, Wisconsin
His Body, his Warrior-Bride, each one of us foreknown and chosen and loved as a lover and yet his longing for a counterpart that will truly match the eternal Creator - this intimate mingling and incorporation, built together into one new man who will rid the entire physical and spiritual universe of his vile enemy. I can't wait for that day when the devil is finally cast into the lake of fire!
London, United Kingdom
Dear Lord Jesus thank You for Your heart's desire for us Your Church.
May we all be beautified more today than before. Nourish and cherish us in Your word and cause the washing of the water in Your word to wash away our spots, wrinkles and blemishes and make us Your counterpart
Irvine, CA, United States
Before the earth’s foundation His thoughts were filled with her.
His every word and action
Is made with her in view.
Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines
Oh Lord! Lord Jesus we praise and thank You for Your deep longing. You made us, with a view to have a Bride. Your every word and action, reveals Your desire to have a counterpart.
Thank You for all the processes. From Your good pleasure. From Your creation. Even when we fell, Your heart was the same, firm and established. You still want to have us. You still want to gain us as Your counterpart. What a mercy Lord! We praise You for Your mercy and grace! We praise You for Your wisdom and love!
Oh You still want to win us back!
Thank You Lord for You laid down Your life for us. Now in resurrection, You have produced Your church.
Draw us affectionately.
Appear to us more and more.
We want to behold You more.
Oh until Oh Lord You will have us all as Your prepared longed-for counterpart!
We love You Lord Jesus! Our Lovely Bridegroom! Amen.
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Coming to this song again, I am astounded! What a story of love! The greatest love of all! I am grateful that God placed the wisdom and skill into the heart of the writer to enable them to convey so much of the depth of His feeling for the church.
Lord may the church also be our deep longing every day.
Moscow, Russia
O I love this song so much. It moves me from deep inside. Praise The Lord!
NJ, United States
I am touched by this song so much! Eph. 5:25: Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her...that He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but she would be holy and without blemish.
This song and the verses above brings me into the inner part of His affection, brings me into an untold intimate relationship with Him. Oh, my dearest Lord, I love You! May Your heart's desire being fulfilled soon!
Eugene, Oregon
This song always motivates me from deep within to join with His innermost intention and feeling for the church. His viewpoint is higher and deeper, richer and purer than any seeing or recognition I could possibly have from myself alone. What a wonder that a mere hymn could convey such great sentiment and tender mental reflection into my own small heart.