I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length

NT575c NT575 LSM155 YP103
I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length,
And breadth and fulness, as my daily strength;
Into life’s future fearless I may gaze,
For, Savior, Thou art with me all the days.
Days may be coming fraught with loss and change,
New scenes surround my life and fancies strange;
I thank Thee that no day can ever break,
Savior, when Thou wilt leave me or forsake.
There may be days of darkness and distress,
When sin has power to tempt, and care to press,
Yet in the darkest day I will not fear,
For, ’mid the shadows, Thou wilt still be near.
Days there may be of joy and deep delight,
When earth seems fairest, and her skies most bright,
Then draw me closer to Thee, lest I rest
Elsewhere, my Savior, than upon Thy breast.
And all the other days that make my life,
Marked by no special joy or grief or strife,
Days filled with quiet duties, trivial care,
Burdens too small for other hearts to share;
Spend Thou these days with me, all shall be Thine,
So shall the darkest hour with glory shine.
Then when these earthly years have passed away,
Let me be with Thee in the perfect day.
Nelson Liu

Boston, MA, United States

Thou art with me all the days!

Jared Huang

Austin, TX, United States

Yet in the darkest day I will not fear,

For, ’mid the shadows, Thou wilt still be near.

Lord Jesus we love You.

Ivie McMillan

Denton, TX

Thank You Lord, You are near and with us all our days. Amen.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

What a great reminder!! Everything else will fail, except His promise :)

When times get rough, He is always there for us.

Praise Him no matter what we are going through in life,

The Lord wants us to enjoy Him in both peaks & valleys!

Elaine Taylor


The words were written by H.L.R. Deck. My old sheet music says "From F.C. Goudimel" and is also a different tune (C_DEF_E_DC_BC
etc). Rich!

Ernesto G. Florendo

Zamboanga City, Philippines

The Lord be praised. I have gone through deep distresses for some time now. And the truths expressed in the hymn catches what is in my heart. I was singing just parts of two stanzas... Then I searched the net and found your site. Thanks for your ministry.

Arne Teigland

Moorhead, Minnesota, United States

I love this hymn too. A friend sang it at our wedding 43 years ago, and I have turned to it often. The tune used here is different from the one I know from the old IVCF "Hymns". But this also has a stanza (#2) that "Hymns" doesn't include. I'm grateful to have found this site. Can anyone tell me the background to this song?


Pleasanton, CA, United States

I really enjoy verse 4 because it reminds us that we always need the Lord. It's easy to forget Him on the days that we "don't need" Him; when we are happy and our lives are going well. However, these are the days we need to most remember to draw near to the Lord!


Sby, East Java, Indonesia

The lyrics is a great encouragement for me...




I really enjoyed this song. When times get rough, the Mercy and Grace of the Lord is there for us. The Lord will shine in our heart when we come to Him, believe in His promise. He is our Comforter. Amen!