I love God because...

NS65 LSM171 YP162
I love God because He loved me long before the world began.
I love God because He knew my destiny.
I love God because He made me part of His eternal plan.
I love God because He first loved me.
I love Him for all the things He’s done for me.
I love Him for all that He is, all that He is to me.
But, most of all, I love Him as the Spirit
Who deep within my spirit lives.
I love God because He came in time to be the Son of Man.
I love God because He gave Himself for me.
I love God because He conquered death that I might live in Him.
I love God because He first loved me.
I love God because He’s processed now to be my life within.
I love God because He is transforming me.
I love God because He’s building up the New Jerusalem.
I love God because He still loves me.

Olympia, WA, United States

We so enjoyed this song at SST. The one who wrote this song was there, and shared with us how it was written. When the writer was very down, feeling low, at first taking the devil's lies for a bit. But then, the facts of this song were spoken out. We need to speak the facts. For instance, He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world and predestinated us unto sonship. Many years I've enjoyed this song. "He still loves me" despite me even being disappointed in myself. And I enjoyed that not only He knew my destiny and loved me long before the world began, but also our children have this same destiny. Even before they experience salvation, we need to remember God ordains household salvation. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, you and your household." We believe God loves each one of this and His promise is to save them.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Praise God forever and ever. Amen

Cesar Sosa Perez

Madrid, Spain

I love God because he is so wonderful, and because he lives in me!!



i love tis song because it touch me

Your Sis In Christ


Thank You, Lord God, for loving us, continually transforming us, and choosing every single one of us before the world began 🌏🙏🏼

Badger Bible Reading Buddies

United States

We love God because He still loves us!

Grace L

United States

I love God because He’s processed now to be my life within.

I love God because He is transforming me.

I love God because He’s building up the New Jerusalem.

I love God because He still loves me.

Lord, I love you so much! Thank you so much!


Great song!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

He first loved us.

Allen In Christ

San Marcos, Texas, United States

I love God because he loves me in every situation I’m in. I pray that I can love Him more! This is the meaning of life!