God’s economy and His eternal plan

NS181 YP57
God’s economy and His eternal plan,
His heart’s desire and intention is to be one with man.
Yet man has failed completely throughout all history.
But hallelujah! Praise the Lord! God’s life is now in me.
Now this life in me is flowing as the river of water of life,
Washing away all my sins, my cares, and all my strife.
This life is overcoming situations in my day.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! For this is what I pray:
Lord Jesus, I love You!
I give You the preeminence in what I do.
Enjoying You is the overcoming way.
Thank You for Your recovery; Your Word we will obey.
Thank You for our situations and the environments we are in.
That we’d turn to You in all things, and turn away from sin.
We’d drop all our anxieties and put our trust in You.
And experience this living One whose life is ever new.
Now the church life is so precious with all the saints so dear.
Enjoying all Your riches, our vision is so clear,
That all would prophesy of Christ from what they’ve seen,
According to Your scripture in First Corinthians fourteen.
Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord Jesus, I love You!


HB, CA, United States

Enjoying this hymn with the saints during Friday night Zoom meeting. PTL for the divine life and the church life.

Sylvie Sagadaven

Umkomaas, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

O indeed my prayer is, that the Christian would prophecy Christ and be His lamp to shine in the dark places of the earth.

Satan has beguiled many a Christian by the comforts of this life and kept them from spreading His Light.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord! The mystery hidden in God throughout the ages is the eternal economy of God. God’s eternal intention with His heart’s desire is to dispense Himself into His chosen people to be their life and nature to become the Body of Christ as the new man, for God’s fullness, God’s expression, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem! Hallelujah, Lord Jesus We ❤️ You!

A Believer

What an amazing Hymn! One of my favorites.


praise you Lord you want to be one with us:)!!!

R. Cheng

New Zealand

No one in this world is situation-free or anxiety-free... but amidst all of these environments, we learn to turn to our dear Lord. He is the only One who 'knows no anxiety'! He as this life in us is able to wash away our cares, our sins and all our strife!

Esther P

Cerritos, CA, United States

Thank You Lord for every situation that we are in! Praise you that these are opportunities for us to receive more of Your Grace and love! Praise You for Your faithfulness!


Los Angeles, CA, United States

Lord Jesus, I love You! I give You the preeminence in what I do!


Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord!!

Thank You Lord for washing away all our sins, our cares, and all our strife...

Lord Jesus I love You!

Thank You for Your recovery!

Thank you for our situations and environments we are in!