Lord, I give myself to You right now

NS116 YP186
Lord, I give myself to You right now.
I want to be occupied with You.
I leave all else behind
And concentrate my being on You alone.
Lord, You are my focus,
You are my goal,
Lord, I give myself to You right now.
Lord, You are my focus,
You are my goal,
Lord, I give myself to You right now.
Frank Onuh

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Lord, although I am Lethbridge Canada for my PhD studies, you remain my focus and goal! I give myself wholly to you Lord. Use me. Like Noah, make me a vessel of honour in my generation and may men be drawn to you through the manifestation of your awesome glorious righteousness in my life!

Cody Enderli

San Marcos, TX, United States

Oh Lord Have mercy on us! We want to be occupied with you!

Jeremy Tan

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord I give myself to You right now! You are my focus and my goal!

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

You are my focus, You are my goal, I give myself to You Lord!

Sophia Nicole

Kapatagan LDN, Philippines

Thank You Lord. May all the churches rejoice to give themselves fully to You.

Riselda Gasler

Long Beach, CA

Lord thank You for giving Yourself to me. Now I want to give myself to You. I Love You Lord, I am opening my entire being to You so You can fill me with Yourself. May evey avenue of my being be saturated by Your Life so we can express You!


Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Lord thank You for everything You have done for us... to redeem us with Your precious blood...I give You myself everyday. Saints, we give ourselves to Him day by day. We should consecrate ourselves to Him. Be focus, and our goal is Him.... Amen... I love You Lord Jesus.

Lily Pham

Garden Grove, CA, United States

Never leave your consecration to another day! Lord, I give myself to You Right Now! Praise the Lord He never forgets and always honors our consecrations!

Loverien Medona

Benguet, Philippines

this song cause me to remember my consecration before the Lord. OH LORD JESUS! Truly that we are not our own for He has bought us with a high price. Day by day may we allow Him to occupy our being and may we give ourselves to Him not just one day but every moment of our life. OH LORD JESUS WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Nothing or no one can replace You in my heart.


Manila, NCR, Philippines

I feel the Lord is embracing me while singing this hymn. I feel comforted. Most of the times we are distracted by so many things and we forget the Lord. We need to give yourself to Him always. We need to turn to Him.