Therefore with joy shall ye draw water

CB1340 Cs25 D1340 E1340 G1340 K790 LSM333
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water
  Out of the wells of salvation.
And in that day shall ye say,
  Praise the Lord.
  (Repeat the above four lines)
Call upon His name,
Declare His doings among the people,
Make mention that His name is exalted.
Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion:
For great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.


Praise the Lord!


Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Nice good song 👍


Chicago, Illinois, United States

Let call his name everyday! Oh Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord.

Lauren Outlaw

Springville, Utah, United States

Praise the Lord for such an amazing hymn! This was one of the sister's favorite hymns before she passed away in March 2023. As we sing this in our home meeting, we are reminded of her. The saints of Utah miss you Nicole, but we know you are with the Lord and enjoying him! We will eventually meet again, but for now, we are enjoying the Lord in Utah. For great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.

Sam Liu

New York City, NY, United States

The way to draw water from the springs of the divine salvation are:

1. We will speak to the Lord, by the Lord, for the Lord, in the Lord, and with the Lord.

2. ⁠We can praise the Lord

3. ⁠We can call on the name of the Lord

4. ⁠We can preach the gospel, making known to others what Christ has accomplished

5. ⁠We will give the first place to Christ in our being and in our doing in our daily living.

These points are also the results from drawing from the springs of salvation daily that will manifest in our daily God-man living!

Maria Levi

Los Angeles, CA, United States

O dear Lord I praise You, as I joyfully draw water from the springs of Your salvation!

I want to call upon You continually, make known Your works to others!

I mention Your name above all to exalt You; for You are the great, holy One of us all, Your people!

Ann Chiang

Taipei, Taiwan

Praise the Lord !

Call upon His name !

Come and, with joy, draw water out of the wells of His salvation !


Monticello, MN, United States

Nice good song 👍🏼


Los Angeles, California, United States

Nice, good song 👍🏼

I Lara

Miami, Florida, United States

This song (not that I want to say is a tradition) that is sang often in the FTTA in the mornings before the classes begin. I’ve never heard anything so precious than being there and singing it together with a company of about 300 young people who love the Lord. It just seems to shakes the heavens and the earth and sometimes when I sing it, I feel I’m there standing together with all my fellow trainees. There are no words to compare. The FTT is truly a remarkable place that every young believer should endeavor to experience in their Christian life, and a true hallmark. Thank you Lord Jesus!

Piano Hymns