Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom’s coming

CB1315 Cs905 E1315 G1315 R498 S448 T1315
Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom’s coming,
  And the time will not be long
Before we hail that wedding morning
  And lift up the glad new song.
Oh, wondrous day! Oh, glorious morning,
  When the Christ we love shall come:
With vessels filled and lamps all burning
  Let us welcome His return.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom’s coming
  And the time will not be long
Before we hail that wedding morning
    And lift up the glad new song.
Oh, let us now redeem each moment,
  More the precious oil to buy,
And have our vessels filled with ointment
  Ere we hear the midnight cry.
Oh, what a joy it is preparing
  For our wedding with the Lord,
E’en in the tribulations sharing
  For the bliss of such reward!
Oh, with what rapture and rejoicing
  Shall the wedding day begin;
And then a thousand years of dining
  At the marriage feast with Him!

United States

Oh, let us now redeem each moment,

More the precious oil to buy,

And have our vessels filled with ointment

Ere we hear the midnight cry!

Raul Ramirez

Arvada, Colorado, United States

Oh, what a joy it is preparing today, with the saints, for our wedding with the Lord!

Sister Vali

Tirane, Albania

Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom’s coming

Olga Radita

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Oh, what a joy it is preparing

For our wedding with the Lord.


A Brother

Los Angeles, CA, United States

We are waiting for our bridegroom

Wayne Weiser

Buffalo, New York, United States

The great wedding day is coming! Whether by natural death or by Rapture...we shall see the King!

Huyen Nguyen

Soc Trang, Vietnam

Amen!Let's keep looking away from everything unto Jesus! Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom is coming soon! O Lord, keep us loving You and rejoicing in You always! :)

"Blessed is the man who endures trial, because when he has become approved by testing, he will receive the crown of life, which He promised to those who love Him." James 1:12

Sis LC

New Zealand

Amen! Rejoice!

We must learn to rejoice in all kinds of situations. Our situation will pass away. The reality is that we are preparing for our Bridegroom's coming. This is one thing we can be sure of. Let's be sober-minded. Rejoice at the real situation!

Berean Steward II

Columbus, North Dakota, United States

We have so much to rejoice concerning in the midst of so many negative events, such as the global economic collapse, great earthquakes in divers places, nuclear radiation, floods, cold, fires, crop failures resulting in shortages and famine, and increasing lawlessness and violence upon the earth.

Not only on earth, but we are witnessing record breaking temperatures along with bizarre weather, solar flares with coronal mass ejections, an approaching comet, Elinen, and the mysterious planet X also known as Nibiru, and Wormwood in the heavens above earth.

Yet in the midst of all this upheaval, the holy saints of God are rejoicing and rejoicing as they love the appearing of the Lord in their hope of His soon to be appearing. Our dear Bridegroom is coming, and with His coming in view, we are filled with great hope as we run to Him to meet Him in all of His glory and splendor, and nothing on this earth can weigh us down, for we are truly leaving this world to meet our Bridegroom to be with Him for ever and ever.

So, do not be dismayed concerning what is coming upon the earth, and what is transpiring in the heavens, for it will not be long. Our Bridegroom is coming!!! Praise the Lord! Look up and keep looking up, and rejoice and rejoice.

Rejoice in the Lord always even in the coming tears which you must endure, for it will truly not be long, and then, what a feast we will have with our dear Lord Jesus Christ, our Bridegroom.

"Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him" (Psalm 2:12b).

Piano Hymns