The Holy Spirit is the seal

The Holy Spirit is the seal,
The foretaste, earnest, and the pledge.
He designates us as God’s own
And guarantees our heritage.
’Twas after we believed in Christ,
The word of truth, the gospel, heard,
The Holy Spirit us did seal
To show that we belong to God.
This Spirit as the living seal,
To us God’s image now imparts;
Conforming us unto the Son,
He stamps His image in our hearts.
This Spirit also is the pledge,
Our earnest and our foretaste true.
He witnesses that we are sons,
With God’s inheritance in view.
’Tis by this Spirit God does spread
Into our mind, emotion, will;
By sealing every inward part,
He will our very being fill.
Oh Lord, we would cooperate
With all Thy Spirit’s inward move;
That we’d become Thy masterpiece,
Th’ eternal purpose thus to prove.
Andrew Smelser

Oklahoma City, OK, United States


To show that we belong to God.


United Kingdom

Oh Lord, Thou has’t chosen us and sealed us. From the depths we thank Thee. Oh Lord may we cooperate, with all Thine Spirit’s inward move, That we’ed become Thine masterpiece, the eternal purpose thus to prove.