O Lord, our Lord, how excellent

CB1097 Cs3 E1097 G1097 K781 P64 R245 S63 T1097
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent
  Thy name in all the earth!
Let every people, tribe, and tongue
  Proclaim its boundless worth.
Out of the mouth of little ones
  Thou hast established praise,
That Thou may still Thine enemy
  And swiftly end his days.
When we the universe behold,
  The work of Thy great hand—
The moon and stars which Thou ordained
  By lofty wisdom planned;
O what is man that Thou should’st care
  That Thou should’st mindful be?
The son of man Thou visitest
  In Thine economy.
O Jesus Lord, Thou art that man,
  The One who joined our race,
Who put upon Himself the flesh
  And took a lower place.
But now with glory Thou art crowned,
  With sovereignty complete.
Now through Thy Body Thou dost rule
  With all beneath Thy feet.
Thine incarnation, rising too,
  And Thy transcendency,
Thy Lordship, Headship, kingdom full,
  And Body here we see.
By all these steps of work divine
  Thou hast established praise.
With overflowing hearts to Thee
  Our joyful voice we raise.
Oh, soon that blessed day shall come—
  All tongues these words shall peal!
But in the local churches now
  We have a foretaste real.
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent
  Thy name in all the earth!
Let every people, tribe, and tongue
  Proclaim its boundless worth.

Austin, TX, United States

O what is man that Thou should’st care

That Thou should’st mindful be?

The son of man Thou visitest

In Thine economy.

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent

Thy name in all the earth!

Let every people, tribe, and tongue

Proclaim its boundless worth.


Sanjay Maisi

Delhi, India

Oh, soon that blessed day shall come—

All tongues these words shall peal!

But in the local churches now

We have a foretaste real.

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent

Thy name in all the earth!

Let every people, tribe, and tongue

Proclaim its boundless worth. Amen Lord.

Maisha Parkar

Pflugerville, Texas, United States

*2) When we the universe behold,

The work of Thy great hand—

The sun, the moon and all the stars

By lofty wisdom planned;

O what is man that Thou should’st care

That Thou should’st mindful be?

The son of man Thou visitest

In Thine economy.

Shiloh Macgill

Shoreline, WA, United States

Amazing song!! So yummmy and outstanding! Amen! 🥰🥰😀

Stephen Bellingham

Irvine, CA, United States

I'm here in Irvine singing this hymn with seven brothers in Christ!

"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent

Thy name in all the earth!

Let every people, tribe, and tongue

Proclaim its boundless worth."


Burlingame, California, United States

Oh Lord how excellent! Thy name in all the earth!

Alexander Sanchez

Cali, Valle Del Cauca, Colombia

Ho Lord O Lord Jesus

We love you proclaimed it's boundless worth!

Anitha Nokku

Tustin, California, United States

O Jehovah our Lord, How excellent is Your name In all the earth, You who have set Your glory over the heavens! (Psalms 8:1)

Kelly Kalaidjian

Auckland, New Zealand

Out of the mouth of Little ones

Thou hast established praise,

That Thou may still Thine enemy

And swift end his day.

Above the heavens is God’s splendor, and on the earth is the excellent name of Jesus; but between the earth and heavens are the adversary, the enemy, and the avenger. The Lord stops these three categories of negative ones by establishing strength and perfecting praise out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, the youngest, smallest, and weakest ones. ( from recovery version Bible Ps 8: 2 footnote 3)

Lord establish and perfect our praise to still Your enemy and end his days.

Lilo Xu

Auckland, New Zealand

Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent Your name in all the earth!!

while we consider all the steps of work divine, how we marvel at Your lofty wisdom and glorious economy!!! our hearts just overflow praises to You.

[Psalm 8] Verse 3 says, "When I see Your heavens, the works of Your fingers,/The moon and the stars, which You have ordained." David did not say that he saw the heavens, but he saw "Your heavens." We have a hymn on this psalm in our hymnal (Hymns, #1097). In the second stanza of that hymn, the writer referred to the sun, the moon, and the stars. The writer added the word sun, but this is wrong. In Psalm 8 David saw only the moon and the stars, not the sun. We cannot see the sun, the moon, and the stars at the same time. When we see the moon and the stars, we cannot see the sun.

The moon and the stars in Psalm 8 indicate that it was in the night. In the nighttime, everything is dark. But the psalmist lifted up his eyes to look at our Father's heavens. In the night he saw the moon and the stars which God had ordained. The scientific experts can bear witness to this ordination. The divine ordination of the moon and the stars is truly a wonder.

After the psalmist turned his view from the messy earth to the bright heavens, he said, "What is man, that You remember him,/And the son of man, that You visit him?" (v. 4). He turned his view from the moon and the stars in the heavens back to man on this earth. First, God remembers man. Second, He visits man. We have to understand this in a poetic way. God in the heavens remembered man before He became incarnated. Then He came to visit man by becoming a man through His incarnation. The Triune God came to visit us. Before coming to us, He remembered us. The Triune God was very busy, yet He remembered us. Then according to His remembrance of us, He became incarnated to visit us.

Piano Hymns